Left to right: Dr Yee Min Kong, Dr Yee Ching 'Olivia' Ong
Round 3 - Fellowed GP and RG Funded Placement EOI
The Rural Generalist Program South Australia is pleased to invite fellowed rural GPs and rural generalists to submit an expression of interest for funding towards a new skill or upskilling through a short-term training placement. Funding is limited and will be allocated on assessment against criteria and first come first serviced basis.
Supported by rural health workforce strategy funding, the program is intended to address community health care needs by increasing the skills, capacity and/or scope of practice of fellowed GPs and rural generalists. This program is designed to address skill shortages in rural and remote communities across South Australia.
Application Process:
- Provide personal and employment/practice role details to establish eligibility
- Provide a description of the new skill or upskilling placement opportunity
- Demonstrate how undertaking this placement will broaden your skillsets and benefit the local rural community
- Submit the applicant declaration and information privacy consent.
Note: Prior to submitting the application, you will have needed to have preliminary discussions around the placement to allow for sufficient detail in the application. This information will include the potential site and duration.
Please also note that funding is for expenditure in the 2024-25 financial year only and any claims/receipts submitted after this time will not be able to be paid.
Placements for this round of funding are to take place and be completed prior to 13th June 2025 and all claims/receipts will be submitted prior to 25th June 2025.
APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: 5pm Friday, 28 February 2025
Dr Timothy Faulkner with Dr Kris Bascomb at Port Lincoln Hospital & Health Service
Rural Procedural Consolidation Term Grants
The Rural Generalist Program South Australia (RGPSA) invites applications for Rural Procedural Consolidation Term Grants to support rural generalist registrars and Fellowed GPs towards the consolidation of new skills development or require upskilling in an existing skill after significant time away from advanced skills practice.
Dr Sarah Miller & Dr Kellie Mibus at Waikerie Health Service
Scholarships and Training Support
The RGPSA Scholarships and Training Support Grants provide rural junior doctors and Fellowed GPs with additional access to training that meet key skill needs for our regional communities.
The RGPSA Scholarship and Training Support Grants are open for those seeking to obtain
- Emergency Medicine Certificate (EMC) or Emergency Medicine Diploma (EMD) and include funding support for associated accompanying required short courses (ALS2, APLS, ETM). These may be funded in isolation of the EMC or EMD but must be for the trainee obtaining the EMC or EMD.
- Certificate in Women’s Health, DRANZCOG and DRANZCOG Advanced.
- Other training courses may be considered on a case-by-case base and subject to funding availability
In 2022 Dr Emma Wang applied for and received a RGPSA Scholarship assisting her to undertake her Emergency Management Diploma. In the below article she tells us about her experience.
Scholarships and Training Support Grants may cover multiple activities and should be applied for before the commencement of the training activity. Please ensure time for applications to be processed prior to training commencing. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
See Scholarship guidelines for details and eligibility criteria.
Please read grant guidelines carefully and complete the application form.
Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis against the assessment criteria as outlined in the grant guidelines. Approval is subject to funding availability with limited grants available.
How to submit
Submit completed applications to: health.SARuralGeneralistTraining@sa.gov.au